
Principal Report


​Principal - Tony McCormack



Welcome to the October edition of our “newsletter", and first fully online edition. Thank you for taking the time to remain connected with our school, and for your ongoing feedback around how we communicate with our parents and community. Continuing to provide a regular stream of updates on the happenings at Urangan SHS remains an important way for us to maintain a positive relationship with our parents and community, and we appreciate your support and feedback as we refine how we do this.


Following declining readership, and feedback from parents around the accessibility of our newsletter, we have made the decision not to renew the contract with our previous newsletter distributor. Instead, eagle-eyed readers will hopefully have noticed a significant increase in the number and regularity of news posts being posted to our school website – By posting regular updates to our website, parents and community members can be more readily updated on the happenings in our school and classrooms – and these posts will also continue to be shared through our social media channels. We will also continue to provide a “newsletter" via these digest posts on a semi-regular basis, for the news you might have missed.


In my last newsletter article, I spoke about the importance of our School Council in supporting the governance of our school and invited parents to nominate to join our School Council. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate Rebecca McIntyre (2 year term) and Ngareta Melgren (1 year term) for nominating for, and being appointed to, the vacant positions on our School Council for 2022-23. The new School Council met for the first time this week and began the process of providing some input into our strategic planning for 2023 – I look forward to working alongside our School Council as we continue our improvement agenda and pursue a dynamic, inclusive, and cohesive community of learners.


This part of Term 4, with Awards season in full swing, is a special time of year that evokes equal parts pride, joy, and satisfaction at the amazing standard of work and achievement our students have attained throughout the year; alongside equal parts terror at the realisation that the end of the year is rapidly approaching!

It was my very great honour and pleasure to be able to play a role at both the Sports Dinner and main USHS Awards Evening over recent weeks. Since my arrival, I have been constantly impressed by the calibre of students at Urangan SHS and these awards celebrations are the perfect opportunity to just stop and take stock of just how many amazing young people pass through our doors each day. My congratulations to everyone who was recognised through the process, and especially to our major award winners such as Dux - Ryan Wheatley, Ampol All Rounder - Jack Wheatley, and Robert J. Wilson Outstanding Citizenship award winner - Adrien Ferrett. Congratulations, and well done!​


Finally, with the end of the year rapidly approaching, my best wishes to our Year 12 students on their “what comes next" – especially to those studying General subjects who are currently deep in external exams. While I most certainly encourage every student engaged in external exams to do their absolute best, and to leave no stone unturned in their preparation and study; it is also important to remain pragmatic about the importance of these exams and not to get too carried away with over-emphasising or loading up on stress. The external exams are just one part of the assessment program over Unit 3 and 4, albeit a significant part in Maths/Science subjects, and ultimately any exam is just a reflection of the work that has been put in over a long period of time.

Regardless of the result – a single exam, a single subject result, or even a single number in the ATAR will not define the rest of your life, and nor will it determine your level of future success. Please remember to breathe, and maintain some perspective – it is just as important to look after your mental and physical health throughout exam period, and the days beyond.

Remember also, that our team remain here to support students through these final days of Year 12 and into their “what comes next". Our Guidance Officer Reschelle Cathcart, Youth Support Coordinator Bev Dangerfield, and Link and Launch Coordinator Emma Amor are all here to help, should the need arise. Good luck!

More broadly; and as always, if our school can assist you in any way, please continue to contact us. To keep up with all of our school events and see details of student success, you can follow us on Facebook (@UranganSHS), on Compass (, and on our website (

Many thanks
Tony McCormack

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Last reviewed 03 November 2022
Last updated 03 November 2022